Tips for the experienced player to beat that record!


zoomed in wood clock

Start right ahead! The game starts as soon as the Game Master presses the button, so make sure to get moving, you only have an hour to escape!
Grab your favorite team players and make sure you’re all on the same page towards teamwork!


magnifying glass in top of a news paper

Start by searching through the room! Gather all the locked objects and spot all the clues you can find. Search through every nook and cranny to make sure you have every clue accessible. Having a second pair of eyes can also help, spread your team to make sure no clue is left unknown.


closed boxes decorated with cute patterns

With that being said, keep organized! Keeping your clues and unlocked objects organized will help you stay focused on what still needs to be solved. Separating used items from unused ones is a good way to avoid getting stuck on mismatching puzzle clues.


a team assembled observing a clue in one of the teammate's hand

Communication is key, so make sure to share your findings and ideas with your team and pay close attention to what they find to match clues and piece the puzzle together more efficiently! Everyone’s brain is wired differently and a fresh perspective will definitely help.


an arrow carved in a concrete wall

Don’t overthink the solution, spending a lot of time on one puzzle and solution can slow down your chance to escape. Our rooms are meant to be challenging and fun, but not impossible, so focus on trying out different solutions and giving everyone a chance to try their own!


a door hidden in a bookshelf

Feel free to ask for hints! Asking for hints does not mean you aren’t smart enough, it just means that there might be something you missed, or a different approach is needed. Although we recommend not using hints in the first 30 minutes, our hints are unlimited.

Remember the story, it can help you get clues! And most of all, enjoy the game!


woman using an axe to break the panic button while yelling "we do not need the panic button"

Just make sure not to use brute force or damage any property!